Time to Replace Your Roof in Fort Myers? Check Out Our Roofing Fort Myers Guide

Replacing your roof is one of the most time-consuming processes but an important process for most of the homeowners because almost all the roofs have an expiry date. According to https://www.huffpost.com, there is nothing worse than a leaking roof. When the day of replacing the roof comes, you must have knowledge about the necessary steps that will help you to do your work perfectly. When you are hiring a roofing contractor, he is indeed going to take care of everything. However, it is still suggested that you also know about the basic steps associated with a roof replacement. 

Setting up the roof replacement

Make sure that your garbage container is as close to the house as possible and you should also lay pieces of clothes near the bottom of your roof so that you can prevent accidental drops. Make sure that you are also purchasing safety harness so that you can prevent yourself from falling off the roof if you are doing the work on your own. 

Clear the existing material

An important part associated with installing a roof is making sure that you are taking the old one off perfectly. It is always a good idea to hire professionals for doing this task because you might not be able to remove the shingles in the best possible manner. Also, the professionals will ensure that your task is being done cleanly and all the unwanted materials will be thrown into the garbage by them only. 

Change the old flashing

The flashing will be responsible for ensuring that there is no water leakage. However, with time flashing starts becoming old and you have to concentrate on changing the old flashing. This will make sure that there is no water leakage and your roof is also going to remain protected for a long time. 

Put the underlayment down

The underlayment is responsible for having an extremely valuable role in making sure that your roof is perfectly healthy. Even the roof that is laid perfectly will also have water behind it and this underlayment will be responsible for catching the water so that the framing and sheathing do not become damp. This should also be done by the professionals because you might find this task extremely difficult, and you might not be able to do this on your own. Consider hiring the licensed and experienced Boss Roofing Experts Fort Myers

Installation of the roof

After all the above methods have been followed diligently, you have to concentrate on the installation of the roof. Most people prefer going through several videos before the process of installation but this is something that is not suggested at all. Ensure that you are taking professional help. The professional roofing contractors will have the license for doing the work appropriately. Make sure that you know about the materials that the professional is going to use and the methods for installing the roof. 


Roof replacement can be a hectic process but you have to ensure that you are having the necessary knowledge to avoid all the confusion. Ensure that you are following the guide that has been mentioned above.